Reg. code:10434933
Address:Adamsoni 26, Tallinn 10137 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 661 3742
Fax:fax+372 661 3744
REIB is the only one in Estonia, who provides both topographical and geotechnical surveying.Geodetic and topographic survey of land areas for planning and designing purposes Geodetic works on building field (setting outs, as-built measurements) Land surveying Design, construction and survey of geodetic networks Geotechnical site investigation, hydrogeological and geotechnical studies Geotechnical design and expertise Site supervision Designing and construction of foundations of small piles Detail planning and EIA Software solutions (GIS, CAD)
Reg. code:10670486
Address: Kalda 60a-2, Tallinn 10922 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 627 9220
Fax:fax+372 627 9221
We offer solutions to soil and groundwater related problems Geotechnics Hydrogeology Environment Supervision Environmental impact assessment Environmental inquiries
Reg. code:10457491
Address:Punane 18, Tallinn 13619 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 605 2712
Fax:fax+372 605 2744
Reg. code:10272585
Address:Teguri 37, Tartu 50107 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 736 7535
Fax:fax+372 736 7536
OÜ Vennad Ehitus is a building company since 1994.a, operating mainly in South-Estonia. In Tallinn we perform paint-, tiling- and sheetrock works. From 2010 OÜ Vennad Ehitus also have MTR confirmation for making construction expertise. Some project we have made: Kõpu Manor restoration Hotel Antonius restoration Athena Cinema/ Restaurant Volga restoration Sadamateater – theatre D.R Sanitaartehnika office and storage Apartment building Herne 51a, Tartu
Reg. code:10437436
Address:Vilja 14B, Võru 65605 VÕRUMAA
Phone:+372 782 8625
General contracting in construction Building companies Finishing works Inner decoration works
Address:Suur-Sõjamäe 34, Tallinn 11415 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 646 5113
Fax:fax+372 646 4699
Address:Ujula 2, Tartu 51008 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 733 7140
Fax:fax+372 733 7141
Reg. code:10178740
Address:Ugala 17A, Tallinn 11613 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 508 4031
Reg. code:10726659
Address:Pärnu mnt 158 , Tallinn 11317 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 613 0501
Fax:fax+372 672 0329
Reg. code:10693659
Address:Vabriku 6-14, Rakvere 44306 LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA
Phone:+372 324 4074
Fax:fax+372 324 4076
Reg. code:10076926
Address:Pärnu mnt 139E/2, Tallinn 11317 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 666 3080
Reg. code:10097176
Address:Laki 9A, Tallinn 10621 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 670 6904
Fax:fax+372 670 6905
Reg. code:11242048
Address:Haabersti 1, Tallinn 13516 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 5332 5157
Reg. code:11255795
Address:Karjavälja 14, Tallinn 12915 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 664 5808
Vesirajatiste projekteerimineKeskonnamõjude hindamine (sh nii KMH kui KSH)Keskkonnajuhtimise, keskkonnakorralduse alased konsultatsioonid
Reg. code:11199750
Address:Puisniidu 24B, Tiskre, Harku vald 76916 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 5324 1136
Reg. code:10018372
Address:Kastani 8, Rapla 79514 RAPLAMAA
Phone:+372 485 5033
Fax:fax+372 485 7296
Reg. code:10019288
Address:Jõgeveste, Tõrva vald 68618 VALGAMAA
Phone:+372 504 5898
Reg. code:10048887
Address:Tilgu tee 11 Ilmandu, Harku vald 76901 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 605 7090
Reg. code:10049409
Address:Tiskrevälja 26-2, Tallinn 13516 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 508 7964
Reg. code:10077995
Address:Laki 19, Tallinn 12915 HARJUMAA
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