Reg. code:10445708
Address: Ehitajate 128, Kohtla-Järve 30222 IDA-VIRUMAA
Phone:+372 337 7710
Electrical installation works, up to 1000V Electrical works over 1 000 V (class A) Repair, maintenance of substations Setting up relay protection Electrical inspection measuring Accredited laboratory Electric motors repairs up to10 KV Phone.+372 33 77 710, +372 51 273 71
Reg. code:10543517
Address:Mäealuse 2/4, Tallinn 12618 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 659 9470
Fax:fax+372 659 9479
Reg. code:10434933
Address:Adamsoni 26, Tallinn 10137 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 661 3742
Fax:fax+372 661 3744
REIB is the only one in Estonia, who provides both topographical and geotechnical surveying.Geodetic and topographic survey of land areas for planning and designing purposes Geodetic works on building field (setting outs, as-built measurements) Land surveying Design, construction and survey of geodetic networks Geotechnical site investigation, hydrogeological and geotechnical studies Geotechnical design and expertise Site supervision Designing and construction of foundations of small piles Detail planning and EIA Software solutions (GIS, CAD)
Reg. code:10670486
Address: Kalda 60a-2, Tallinn 10922 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 627 9220
Fax:fax+372 627 9221
We offer solutions to soil and groundwater related problems Geotechnics Hydrogeology Environment Supervision Environmental impact assessment Environmental inquiries
Reg. code:11568135
Phone:+372 5301 5578
Reg. code:10607878
Address:Riia 4, Tartu 51004 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 736 6676
Development Plans Consultations and Environmental Research Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Pre-Assessment and Evaluation Environmental Permits and Environmental Permitting Applications Noise Surveys, Noise Assessment, Noise ModellingTel: +372 7366676, +372 5540579, +372 5039010
Address:Riia mnt. 92, Pärnu 80042 PÄRNUMAA
Phone:+372 445 9788
Seadmete tehniline kontroll Surveseadmete, masinate (kraanad, tõstukid jms), liftide ja köisteede, gaasipaigaldiste ning elektripaigaldiste tehniline kontroll. Pädevuseksam, personali sertifitseerimine Surveseadmetöid, gaasitöid, tõsteseadmetöid või masinatöid juhtivad isikud; surveseadme, lifti, köistee, gaasipaigaldise või masina kasutamise järelevaatajad; elektriala personal, tehnilist kontrolli teostavad isikud.
Address:Õpetaja 9a, Tartu 51003 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 742 7113
Reg. code:10905669
Address:Pikaliiva tn 90/2-36, Tallinn 13516 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 509 4226
Fax:fax+372 322 0834
Address:Jaama 14, Jõhvi 41533 IDA-VIRUMAA
Phone:+372 332 2111
Reg. code:10490212
Address:Kanali tee 6 , Tallinn 10112 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 501 3251
Fax:fax+372 640 3770
Reg. code:10057662
Address:Vaksali 17a, Tartu 50410 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 730 7279
Fax:fax+372 730 7279
Reg. code:10775386
Address:Kopli 103, Tallinn 11712 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 610 2179
Welded joints and materials non-destructive and destructive examination. Materials mechanical testing. Metals and welded joints micro-, macrostructure examination. Chemical analysis. Infrared thermography Equipment and metal constructions technical diagnostics. Diagnostics. Measuring devices calibration and repair. Welders and welding procedure approval.
Reg. code:10702281
Address:Ahtri 12 (II korrus), Tallinn 10151 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 611 6620
Fax:fax+372 611 6685
Expert analyses concerning sea and ground transport, consultation, loss adjustment, risk analyses, assessments.
Address:Suur-Sõjamäe 34, Tallinn 11415 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 646 5113
Fax:fax+372 646 4699
Address:Ujula 2, Tartu 51008 TARTUMAA
Phone:+372 733 7140
Fax:fax+372 733 7141
Reg. code:10046925
Address:Kristiina 15, Tallinn 10131 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 646 6224
Reg. code:10178740
Address:Ugala 17A, Tallinn 11613 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 508 4031
Reg. code:10632480
Address:Tartu põik 2, Jõhvi 41537 IDA-VIRUMAA
Phone:+372 335 6564
Fax:fax+372 335 6564
Reg. code:11552719
Address:Maleva 2d, Tallinn 11711 HARJUMAA
Phone:+372 663 1631